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A little about me

    • 22 posts
    July 12, 2022 9:36 AM EDT
    Proud to be in recovery today! I'm a little over 2 years clean but it has been a tough but rewarding road. I've been thru the most..domestic violence (suffered grease burns)..been homeless..used my family and friends to the fullest to get what I wanted and did alot of really bad things. IV drug use was an obsession to say the least! It all started with a pain pill prescription. It took me having 2 heart valve replacements and a stroke that impaired my vision and my thinking process (memory and more) to finally wake me up! I feel like God gave me the gift of live to give me another chance to not only get saved but to help as many people as I can find a better way of life! So my heart surgery saved me in so many ways! My heart team even said it had to be God cause I'm a miracle and they didn't see me medically pulling thru.
    ...just a little on my story :)